Will Chinese Giant Alibaba compete with Google, Facebook, Amazon & friends?

The importance of Chinese economy is not a surprise and it is well known, it is not only manufactured related but also it has relevant technological brands as Lenovo, Huawei and so on, but so far it wasn’t so present, at least in common man mind, in the market segment handled by Google, Facebook, Amazon. Well, now this barrier is broken, Alibaba confirmed its willingness to quote itself  in Wall Street and analysts think that it could collect about 15 USD Bln IPO, and in the more optimistic forecast it could also exceed Facebook (16 USD Bln) with so a capitalization of about 100 USD Bln. Alibaba Group is a privately owned company based in Hangzhou –China, the Wall Street Journal defines Alibaba as a sort of Amazon, eBay (with Alibaba and Taobao) and Paypal (with Alipay) mix with a bunch of Google and obvious Chinese related stuff. It has an online of slight less than 800 million products and the money flow in an year is claimed by Alibaba about 170 USD Bln (1.1 trillion yuan) , more than Amazon and eBay summed.

The importance and of Alibaba has been also highlighted by the fact that its owner, Jack Ma (Ma Yun) was named the Financial Times’ 2013 Person of the Year because he personifies the Chinese internet referring to him as the “godfather of China’s scrappy entrepreneurial spirit.”

Again on Nokia Normandy and rumors about Microsoft Money NOT for NOTHING.

An update regarding yesterday post.
@evleaks again on Normandy twitting new possible UI screenshots with a description saying “Two ways to interact with Normandy”; such sentence seems related to the fact that Normandy UI has one interaction mode similar to the one that you can experience with Lumia and the other similar to the one you can have with Asha Fastlane.

Possible Nokia Normandy UI

Possible Nokia Normandy UI from @evleaks

What for sure is strange, remembering that such Nokia Normandy will be anyway a Microsoft product, is the twitter from the Mobile-Review.com editor-in-chief Analyst Eldar Murtazin typically well informed especially on Samsung and Nokia stuff that claims the possibility of money “support” from MS to relevant manufacturers, i.e.:

Samsung         1.2 Bln USD
Sony                0.5 Bln USD
Huawei            0.6 Bln USD
others              0.3 Bln USD

Eldar Murtazin's tweets

Eldar Murtazin’s tweets

If such rumors are correct, it could mean that MS will play on two tables at least, in one betting on an Android device with MS store, and in the other betting on WP high-end phones made not only by Nokia (… opss… Microsoft) but also by Samsung, Sony,…

Whatever you see the above story, what is real is that the future market will be dominated by Mobile, as highlighted by Gartner.